PLAY TOY 1/6 Battle Angel P017-DX Deluxe

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  • Regular price ₱16,000.00
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Commodity number: (P017-A, P017-B, P017-DX)

Commodity details:

P017-A Accessories details:

1 Robot Body x1

Female head sculpt (Movable eyes) x1

Helmet 1 Helmet x1

Upper body

armor 1 x1 Upper Armor x1 Shoulder armor 1 pair Shoulder armors x1 pair

Elbow armor 1 pair Elbow armors x1 pair

Thigh armors 1 pair Thigh armors x1 pair

Knee armors 1 pair Knee armors x1 Pair

calf protector 1 pair Leg armors x1 pair

Skates 1 pair Skates x1 pair

Death ball 1 Motorball x1

Top x1 Suit x1

Pants Pants x1

Hand type 8 Hands x8

P017-B Accessories details

Robot body x1

realistic Eye-moving female head sculpt (combat makeup) x1 Female head sculpt (Movable eyes with war paint) x1

boots x1 pair

tops x1 Suit x1

pants Pants x1

knife Sword x1

8 hands x8


P017-DX accessories details
can be formed into two complete different shapes
Robot body*2 Robot Body x2
realistic eye-movable female head sculpt x1 female head sculpt (Movable eyes) x1
realistic eye-movable female Head sculpt (combat makeup) x1 Female head sculpt (Movable eyes with war paint) x1
Helmet 1 Helmet x1
Upper body
armor 1 Upper Armor x1x1 Shoulder armor 1 pair Shoulder armors x1 pair
Elbow armors 1 pair Elbow armors x1 pair
one pair of thigh harness thigh armors x1
knee brace one pair knee armors x1 pair
leg brace one pair leg armors x1 pair
skate one pair skates x1 pair
died a spherical Motorball x1
boots one pair of boots x1 pair
tops x2 x2 member Suit
Pants x2
Hand type 8 Hands x8
knife Sword x1

PLAY TOY 1/6 Battle Angel P017-A Competitive Edition & B Battle Edition & DX Deluxe

 P017-A Sports Edition 
 P017-B Combat Edition
 P017-DX Deluxe Edition